Écrans: Maryse Goudreau, Trevor Gould, Jean-Benoit Pouliot, Lucie Robert and Julie Trudel

June 20 to July 25, 2015

Écrans: Maryse Goudreau, Trevor Gould, Jean-Benoit Pouliot, Lucie Robert and Julie Trudel

Maryse Goudreau
Manifestation pour la mémoire des quais (détail)
Négatif de verre au collodion humide numérisé, Impression jet d’encre, papier baryté
Digitaslised collodion glass negative, inkjet print
Ed. 5
2 comp. : 100 cm x 80 cm ch. | ea.

Galerie Hugues Charbonneau opens the summer season with a group exhibition bringing together the work of gallery artists, Trevor Gould, Jean-Benoit Pouliot and Julie Trudel, as well as invited artists Maryse Goudreau and Lucie Robert. The works exhibited in Écrans all explore the concept of ‘the screen,’whether it be through pictoral, historical, physical or political means.

Trevor Gould
To be titled
61 x 46 cm (24’’ x 18’’)

Screens provide a paradox – they are simultaneously capable of being both revealing and concealing. This duality which constructs and conditions our gaze, expresses the inevitable incompleteness of the images that surround us as they evoke what is left out and what underwrites them. The screen then becomes an aesthetic, political and philosophical device, that allows us to analyze and understand the world we live in. It mobilizes ideas around interpretation or fractured narratives as it nourishes a broader understanding of our relationship with the immaterial, the fleeting.

Jean-Benoit Pouliot
Glissement No3
Impression jet d’encre sur film rétro éclairage hp montée sur aluminium
Inkjet print on backlit hp film mounted on aluminium
Ed. 2

A conduit for art straddling material and media, the screen can be understood as a physical or abstract support, but can also be seen as a historical and cultural construction, as a body-image norm-establishing weapon, as iconographic and conceptual foliation…Finally, the idea of the screen refers to a whole archeology of images and to a history of ideas.

Louise Robert
Gestes noir sur blanc no.3
Encre et fil cousu sur papier coton
Ink and sewn wire on cotton paper
55 x 37 cm (21.5” x 14.5”)
Julie Trudel
Chevauchements T123F123
acrylique sur panneau
acrylic on panel
19” x 24”
(photo : Martin Désilets)
Julie Trudel
Bifurcation NBN
Gesso et acrylique sur MDF, marouflé sur contreplaqué
Gesso and acrylic on MDF mounted on plywood
60 x 74 cm (24” x 29”)