Situation #5: Nadège Grebmeier Forget: Instagram Takeover

From July 28 at midnight to July 29 at midnight

Situation #5: Nadège Grebmeier Forget: Instagram Takeover

As part of our summer program “8 artists: 8 situations”, Galerie Hugues Charbonneau is delighted to grant carte blanche to the performance artist Nadège Grebmeier Forget. For a period of 24 hours only, the artist will occupy our gallery space to produce a series of interventions, images and exclusive videos for our Instagram account. From midnight July 28th to midnight July 29th 2017, follow this intensive thread via the hashtag



Artist Statement:

Nadège Grebmeier Forget’s art practice provokes reflection on the act of looking as a form of implicit consumption, as well as the power dynamics within which the gaze operates. Her work is characterized by a preoccupation with re-appropriation, actively exploring the role of mediation on identity performance, construction and fiction on display. Circulating within the visual and live arts communities, she has participated in numerous events, festivals, panels, residencies and exhibitions in Canada, the USA and Europe. Vulnerable, intimate, baroque and decadent, she serves discomfort.