As part of MOMENTA | Biennale de l’image
Group exhibition by the artists Maria Hupfield, Chloë Lum and Yannick Desranleau
Opening reception: September 9, from 3 PM to 5 PM, artists in attendance
At Galerie Hugues Charbonneau

Waasechign, 2017
Impression numérique sur tissu
Digital print on fabric
3,05 x 5,49 mètres (10’ x 18’)
On the occasion of MOMENTA | Biennale de l’image, the new designation of Mois de la Photo à Montréal, Galerie Hugues Charbonneau is delighted to present the group exhibition Performance via la camera / Performance via the camera. Ami Barak, the guest curator for the 2017 biennale edition, has chosen to explore the status of the still or moving image by way of the question: What does the image stand for? According to him, the ubiquity of new media in everyday life contributes to blur the notion of photography as a witness of the real since it is now being fantasized more than ever by its author.
As a satellite MOMENTA exhibition venue, it seemed quite a propos to present the works/banners by Maria Hupfield and the duo Chloë Lum and Yannick Desranleau, because they explore questions pertaining to the processing of the contemporary image in a singular manner. More specifically, the banners resulting from their performances do not translate a documentary type photography, but rather an aesthetics developed in a premeditated day via the camera. In this case, the visual language is foregrounded both through the retouching of photos and the display of elements that trigger thought.

I really I want Time for A lie – Time for
Jet d’encre sur toile, oeillets
Inkjet on canvas, grommets
Éd. 1/3 (+1 AP)
132 x 196 cm (52” x 77”)
It is in this sense that Hupfield digitally reconstructs a mirror effect within the image in which Waaschign and Portal are played out. The goal of this optical function is to highlight the idea of an intergenerational tribute inherent in the artist’s works. I really / I want / Time for / A lie, produced by Lum and Desranleau during a stay in Qatar, strategically stages portraits and manuscripts so as to bring about an effect of presence and absence recounting the essential concepts pertaining to the local pictorial traditions.
The works by Hupfield, Lum and Desranleau suggest orchestrated images that recall, in some regards, the constructed character of a commonplace publicity banner. Designed to resist changing weather conditions and to be visible from afar, the banner however relinquishes some of its original functions within an exhibition context. Those that are presented in the gallery literally overload the space and set off an immersive effect in this site.

I really I want Time for A lie – I want
Jet d’encre sur toile, oeillets
Inkjet on canvas, grommets
Éd. 1/3 (+1 AP)
132 x 175 cm (52” x 69”)